Serenity by Karen

Healing and Uplifting the Spirit

The Spirit World.

I have had many people asking questions after posting my last blog on Spirit Guides. Questions like “Where do my Guides exist and how do my Spirit Guides and Animal Guides connect with me?” So, I thought I should expand on these topics and give more information about the Spirit Realms and Spirit Guides. Also we will explore a bit more about what kinds of gifts they bring to us.

Let me begin by reminding everyone that everything is energy, and we exist in a certain energetic plane or dimension while Spirits exist on another energetic plane/frequency or wave length. The Spirit World is not this far off glorious place in the sky. It is just a few wave lengths above us energetically and is very much an accessible realm to us all. They (Spirit Guides) really are right beside us all the time. We just need to raise our energetic vibration enough to have an awareness of them. One of the best ways to raise your vibration is through the practice of meditation. Take a look at my blog titled The Blessings Of Being A Tree, where you will find a grounding meditation exercise that will help you in getting started. As you feel that wonderful grounded feeling and have successfully “become a tree” just simply ask your Spirit Guides to join you and to give you a message. They will respond to your willingness and intention to connect with them. As they respond to your call, you will begin to have an awareness of them. This can feel like a warm, loving feeling coming over you or you may even get a picture in your minds eye of them. They are very subtle and may speak to you in a very gentle quiet voice, so, you need to quiet your mind in order to open fully to communicating with them. Using meditation helps you to quiet your mind and achieve a heightened state of awareness and greater receptivity.

Once you have connected with the Spirit World you are open to receive divine inspiration, higher knowledge and unconditional love from all the high vibration non-physical beings that reside there. These beings are Ascended Masters, Archangels/Angels, religious figures, loved ones, Ancestors and Animal Guides. These high vibration beings are also referred to as Spirit Helpers, Guardian Spirits, Animal Totems and Divine Teachers. They are as diverse as the people they are connected to. We can have any number of Spirit Guides as we navigate through our various experiences on life’s journey and they walk beside us whether we are aware of them or not.

They are happy to support us with anything and everything, and they do so willingly whenever they are called upon. It is very important to understand that they may offer you wonderful gifts, creative ideas and healing energy at a very high level when you ask them specifically for these gifts. They will not interfere with your free will or take your lessons or karma away from you. They can, and will, however, make going through your experience as a divine soul living a life in this physical realm much smoother and more harmonious.

We are truly blessed to have them!

Love & Light


February 3, 2010 Posted by | Channeled Messages | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Looking Closer At Karma And Reincarnation.

Recently I have had many people asking questions about karma and reincarnation. This isn’t surprising since these words have made it into our mainstream, on television shows and in everyday conversations. My boys were even toying around with using the word karma for part of their future rock band name. Even with these words being used everywhere, not everyone knows what they really mean or how they are effecting them in their current circumstances. Truly the answers aren’t that easy to explain or to understand. So settle in and read with an open heart and open mind.

The definition of karma as given by Websters Dictionary is: (Hinduism and Buddhism) The effects of a person’s actions that determine his destiny in his next incarnation.

In Western culture we use such colloquialisms as ‘ What goes around comes around’ and ‘ You reap what you sow.’ This is connected to cause and effect and how action has an equal and opposite reaction. Karma is known as a universal law where the energy you send out, from your thoughts, feelings, choices and actions returns to you whether it is beneficial or harmful. Holding on to negative patterns mentally and emotionally results in a ripple effect on everyone and everything in our environment. The law of attraction, which has also become a very popular concept in our modern culture, then draws to us our matching energy. Again this can be good, bad or ugly depending on what we are sending out.

There are ways to break out of negativity and free ourselves from a negative or unpleasant karmic cycle. The most used methods are meditation, prayer or receiving some form of counseling. Incorporating meditation into our life, for example, allows us to enhance our emotional self-awareness and supports us in avoiding negative karma. In having that inner awareness, we are then able to move forward from the perspective of being in charge of our own destiny instead of a victim of circumstance. Choosing to come from a positive place within, we, through our higher vibrational energy, make choices and take action void of negativity. This acts to balance our karma and begins a shift that allows a flow of positive karmic energy to ripple out, negating any negative energy and drawing back to us bliss. Again, going back to the age-old ‘What you reap you will sow’ and ‘What goes around comes around.’

This is a lot to think about. I will continue more about karma and it’s relationship to reincarnation in my next few blogs. Until then…ponder your own karma and what experiences it has brought to your life.

Blessings to all!


January 25, 2010 Posted by | Channeled Messages | , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Healing Power Of Sound.

Did you know that sound vibrations hold the power to heal? Everything in all the universe vibrates. We and everything that surrounds us is in the constant state of vibration. Trees, rocks, the chair you are sitting on, the computer in front of you and your body are all vibrating right now! It is truly amazing how all the delicate, little bones and pieces of the inner ear works as tiny receptors for translating sound vibrations.

Sound really does move us, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Sonic vibration has been used since the dawn of man to heal. Some of the first forms used were drumming and chanting. Ancient cultures recognized the healing power of sound and developed it into a sacred science. This has been documented back to Ancient Egypt and thought to have  been a highly developed practice for healing and spiritual rituals used in the Ancient city of Atlantis.

Many healers still use sound as a form of healing today. Some of the current methods use bells, chimes, crystal singing bowls, drums, tuning forks and, of course, music. Certain tones and musical notes actually correspond to and connect with each of the seven chakras. Using sound therapy can help to clear energy blockages in our subtle energy systems and also affects our brain waves, helping the body and all it’s systems to return to a balanced and harmonious state of being.

So the next time you turn the volume up for a song that just makes you feel good…you are actually performing your own self healing!

January 19, 2010 Posted by | Channeled Messages | , , , , , , | Leave a comment