Serenity by Karen

Healing and Uplifting the Spirit

Chakras ~ Our Sacred Energy Centers

The chakras are our sacred energy centers.  When the seven major chakras are open and their energy is balanced, they flow with Life Force Energy or (Chi) and this energy emanates into, through, and out from our bodies, and our aura.  The flow of our chakras is naturally connected to our thoughts, feelings, our physical body, activities, and our interactions with others.  The chakras give the physical body vitality, and support us in our journey towards self-awareness and enlightenment.

Being a clairvoyant, I have the ability to see the chakra systems of all those around me.  They appear to me as whirling wheels of energy, that spin at different speeds, and emanate various shades of the seven colors of the rainbow.  I also feel each one of the chakras and their vibrational frequencies.  When I offer a Spiritual Reading, or Reiki Healing to a client, or loved one, each one of their chakras holds a message about the energy patterns they are carrying.  Having the ability to connect with the chakras assists me in helping others on their path to true health.  You can begin to open up your own abilities to communicate with, and to heal the chakras by learning about their energy.

Now let’s focus on each chakra, learning its color, characteristics, and their relationship to our physical, mental, and emotional health.

The Root Chakra ~

Color: Red

Location: Near the tail bone

Element: Earth

Statement: “I have”

Stones: Garnet, Smokey Quartz, Shiva Lingam

Body parts ruled by the root chakra: Spinal column, feet, legs, hips, adrenals, colon, and external sexual organs.

The root chakra is most closely related to issues of human life; safety, shelter, survival, money, and the physical body. The best way to keep the root chakra open, balanced, and flowing is by honoring the body with light exercise, yoga, dance, massage, and going barefoot as much as possible.  When the root chakra is happy & healthy, you feel grounded, supported, supportive, and have little or no difficulty sustaining a comfortable life for yourself.  The health of the root chakra is key to manifesting your desires into physical form.  This chakra holds the energy of Father.

The Sacral Chakra ~

Color: Orange

Location: Between the pelvis and the belly button

Element: Water

Statement: “I want”

Stones: Carnelian, Orange Calcite

Body parts ruled by sacral chakra: Hips, lower back, testicles, vagina, reproductive organs, kidneys, bladder, pancreas.

The sacral chakra is most closely related to issues of creativity, sexuality, emotions, and desires.  Some ways to keep the sacral chakra open, balanced, and flowing is by participating in healthy sexual activities, light exercise, yoga, dance, swimming, taking warm baths, and drinking plenty of water. When the sacral chakra is happy & healthy, you feel very secure in your sexual energy and preferences, you are a nurturing person, fitness and eating healthy are very important to you, and you are extremely comfortable in your own skin.  The sacral chakra is also the power center for women.  If you are a mother, or a mother figure; those whom you support and nurture have energy cords similar to an umbilical cord attached to your sacral chakra.  These cords are meant to weaken and dislodge themselves as the children grow and gain their own independence.  This chakra holds the energy of Mother.

The Solar Plexus Chakra ~

Color: Yellow

Location: Center of the belly, just below the rib cage

Element: Fire

Statement: “I can”

Stones: Tiger’s eye, Yellow jasper

Body parts ruled by the solar plexus chakra: Adrenals, digestive system, liver, spleen.

The solar plexus chakra most closely relates to issues of self-confidence, self-esteem, personal power, physical vitality, and how you project your energy out to the world.  Some ways to keep the solar plexus chakra open, balanced, and flowing is by doing light physical activity that incorporates focusing on the breath, like tai chi or yoga, and practicing breath work exercises.  The solar plexus chakra is a major psychic reception area and is the chakra associated with clairsentience (clear inner feeling).  This chakra is the power center for men.  When you have a “gut feeling” about someone or something…you are feeling psychic vibrations in this chakra and should pay attention to these feelings.  When the solar plexus chakra is happy & healthy, you feel joyful, powerful, inspired, full of vitality, and in tune with your own sense of inner feeling.

The Heart Chakra ~

Color: Green

Location: Center of the chest

Element: Air

Statement: “I love”

Stones: Rose Quartz, amazonite, peridot

Body parts ruled by the heart chakra: Heart, lungs, circulatory system, shoulders, upper back, and thymus.

The heart chakra is most closely related to issues of giving and receiving unconditional love, relationships, compassion, healing, and is the energy center that links the body to Spirit, and to the energy of the inner child.  Some ways to keep the heart chakra open, balanced, and flowing is by practicing self-love, forgiveness, energy healing, flowing love to others unconditionally, taking care of babies and animals, connecting with nature, and meditation. When the heart chakra is happy & healthy you feel very loving and accepting of others, you laugh and smile easily, you are comfortable with physical touch, you participate in healing for yourself and others, you feel a strong connection to children and animals, and you are able to forgive easily.

The Throat Chakra ~

Color: Light Blue

Location: Center of the throat

Element: Sound

Statement: ” I speak”

Stones: Turquoise, blue calcite, shattuckite

Body parts ruled by the throat chakra: Throat, neck, thyroid, vocal cords, ears, and trachea.

The throat ckakra is most closely related to issues of communication, creativity, sound, and is the energy center for clairaudience (clear inner hearing), and speaking one’s own truth.  Most speakers, politicians, religious figures, actors, teachers, and artists have very active throat chakras.  Some ways to keep this chakra open, balanced, and flowing is to sing, hum, chant, and by speaking one’s own truth.  Many Spiritual leaders, and clairaudiant intuitives convey beautiful guidance from Spirit through the energy of the throat chakra.  When your throat chakra is happy & healthy you are inspired, creative, and have a full awareness that your words are very powerful – affecting not only you as the speaker, but also everyone and everything that surrounds you.  You understand that you manifest with your words and that as you speak powerful energy flows from your throat chakra.

The Third Eye Chakra ~

Color: Indigo Blue

Location: Center of the forehead

Element: Light

Statement: “I see”

Stones: Lapis, azurite, blue tiger’s eye

Body parts ruled by the third eye chakra: Eyes, ears, pineal, and the parasympathetic nervous system.

The third eye chakra is most closely related to issues of intuition, visualization, and it is the energy center for clairvoyance (clear inner seeing).  This chakra works very strongly with the throat and the crown chakras as a major psychic reception area.  Some ways to keep the third eye chakra open, balanced, and flowing is by practicing meditation, breath work, visualizations, and practicing color therapy.  When you third eye is happy & healthy you have a very vivid imagination, can easily meditate, participate in Shamanic journeys, visualize images, enjoy visual art, colors, light, lucid dreamer, and may have or develop the ability to see psychic vibrations, auras, chakras, Spirit Guides, Angels, Animal Spirits, and Souls.  Many people focus almost entirely on the third eye during meditation or healing, but it’s important to remember that the chakras are all connected, and to fully activate any one of them to a higher frequency requires all the chakras to be open, flowing, and harmonious.

The Crown Chakra ~

Color: Violet, gold, white, or silver

Location: Crown of the head

Element: Thought

Statement: “I am”

Stones: Amethyst, apophyllite, elestial quartz, and selenite

Body parts ruled by the crown chakra: Brain, skull, nervous system, pituitary, thymus, pineal.

The crown chakra most closely relates to issues of higher states of consciousness, higher knowledge, connection to Universal Energy, and wisdom.  The crown chakra is the energy center of our connection to our higher selves, oneness with Divine, and is a major psychic reception area for drawing in Source Energy and accessing the Akasha.  Some ways to keep the crown chakra open, balanced, and flowing is by practicing meditation, prayer, breath work, yoga, and Spiritual healing.  When the crown chakra is happy & healthy you feel a sense of oneness with all of creation, to God/Goddess, and the Holy Spirit.  Your crown chakra is a receptor of ethereal energy and light, filling your aura, chakras and entire being with Source Energy.  Focusing on opening and connecting the crown chakra to the lower chakras revitalizes the mind, body, and Spirit, raising your vibrational frequency.

Connecting with the energetic flow of your chakras will enable you to achieve you highest potential, and brings glorious vitality to mind, body, and Spirit.



December 13, 2010 Posted by | Channeled Messages, Personal Experiences | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment


Remember when you were a child and were taught to make a wish when you blew your birthday candles out? What a tremendously magical experience! Whenever I make a wish or even think of something to wish for…it always takes me back to that feeling of excitement as child, when I would make wishes almost daily. In my house growing up as the youngest of seven children, I always got hand-me-downs, and was constantly sending wishes out for new items, that were bought especially for me, with tags still attached! Sometimes these wishes came true, and sometimes not…but I always felt excited over the prospect of what was going to come my way when I sent a wish out. I truly believed in the power that my wish held!

As a child I had several different things that I used as opportunities, or tools, for the magic of a wish to be granted to me. I wished on eye lashes that had come loose and fallen on my cheek, blowing dandelion seeds into the wind, the first star that I saw in the night sky, shooting or falling stars, pennies in fountain, blowing a candle out, and even on a curled up potato chip. All of these things held a special element of creative magic to use, to draw a wish in. I never worried about the details of how my wish was going to come into form for me, or when my wish would arrive. I just felt the awesome excitement over the grand possibilities of what was going to come. I was fully open to receive whatever the universe had in it’s bag of goodies for me, and I had the power of faith that all of those things could, and would come.

Growing up into my teenage, and young adult years, I began to let go of my habit of making wishes. If I did find myself in the frame of mind to think about making a wish, I would analyze the hell out of it, and basically talk myself out of the possibility of a wish coming true. I got too caught up in the details…the hows, and the whys of everything that would have to fall into place, at just the right time for my wish to really happen. I had forgotten the most important ingredient of how to make a wish come true…“believing in magic!”

Over the years I have figured this secret out again, and allowed myself to get back to the wonderfully open-minded, open to magically possibilities, energy that I had held as a child. This really works! I have had many of my wishes come true right before my eyes! I think about what I would like happen in my life, and I send my wish out…remembering all those feelings that I felt as a child. Then I just smile, and leave it up to the universe to grant my wish! I know that the pure, high vibration energy that I have flowing within me about my wish will draw it in for me. My energy then matches the energy of beautiful, high vibration things that I am wishing for. Then the universe has to deliver to me matching forms of energy. I am using the law of attraction to bring my wish into form.

My Angels tell me that when we send out a wish for something, they see it like fireworks shooting out from our crown chakra. It has wonderful energetic power, and it works like a magnet pulling in raw creative energy from the highest realms, that it then shapes, and molds into the form that matches our vibrational energy we attach to it. The more we stay connected to our wishes with the pure, high energy of excitement, the more powerful our energetic magnet wish is!  They reminded me that we are Divine creative beings! We can, and do create constantly…and we do it just like “magic.” So…try this out today…look up at the sky and pretend you are blowing the seeds of a dandelion out into the universe, carrying the beautiful, magnetic energy of whatever you wish for on them…then just allow yourself to feel excited about what’s going to happen!

“Sometimes it seems useless to be a dreamer, making wishes all day long. But, you have to look at it this way – If you send out one wish every day, then odds are that half of those wishes are  bound come true!”  Nelson Jones (my grandpa) 🙂

Blessings on your wishes!


March 26, 2010 Posted by | Channeled Messages, Personal Experiences | , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

~The Practice Of Detachment~

We may find that there are times when we look at the world around us, and it is seemingly in a perpetual state of chaos, and struggle. Often when we are confronted with this, we can become overwhelmed with feelings of hopelessness, and anxiety. We may also feel the need to try at taking steps to transform people, and situations, in the efforts of bringing a level of peace and harmony to the world, our friends, and our families. This can be a very difficult, and frustrating task, that seems next to impossible. When you are met with these types of challenges, instead of taking on all of the negativity and trying to force it to shift in a more positive direction, first try going within and finding a peaceful, harmonious place within yourself. This allows you to detach from all of the drama erupting around you, and strengthens your own mental/emotional clarity, so you can see that most of the issues you are getting wrapped up in are not yours to fix.

True peace and harmony, starts within our own hearts and minds. Achieving inner peace by practicing detachment helps you to ride the waves of change, and float along through the storms of life, without being swallowed up, and dragged down. You are calm…even in the darkest days, because you are anchored in your own inner peace, and cannot be tossed about by the waves of drama. This doesn’t mean that you are going to disconnect from your emotions, friends, family, society, and material details of life. What it does mean, is that you will know and understand your personal power to choose, in any given situation, to hold a peaceful vibration over the vibration of struggle. This gives you the advantage of viewing every situation with more clarity, as you are not allowing your mind to be mired down in negativity. You are serene, and your high vibration has a ripple effect on everything , and everyone around you. Others will be drawn to you for calm, clear advise, and trust that your words will encourage a peaceful outcome.

The first step to being peacefully detached is having the awareness that you are in charge of your own energy, or vibration. Even if everything around you is going crazy, you still have the power of choice. You can choose to be effected by external issues, and allow your thoughts and emotions to get wound up with them…Or you can choose to BREATHE, and allow yourself rise above tumultuous energy. The best way to practice being peacefully detached is to be in the moment. Being in the moment is truly powerful! You aren’t chewing on something from the past, and you’re also not projecting, and worrying on future outcomes. You are focused on the right now, which is where all of your true power lies. Focus on being in the present moment, peacefully detached from negative drama, and you will see all the blessings of life unfolding right before your eyes. You are then fully in your power, and very calm. Your serene, and commanding energy flows out from you inspiring peace!

Try practicing being peacefully detached from drama, and watch as the world around you shifts to match the harmony within!!



March 22, 2010 Posted by | Channeled Messages, Personal Experiences | , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

~Using Your Inner Vision To Manifest Your Highest Future~

If you are anything like me, then you have lots of thoughts running through your mind simultaneously most of the time. This is how my brain functions and I have had many times throughout my life that I have literally felt as if my thoughts were spinning out of control. I have spent so much mental and emotional energy on worrying and trying to think through every possible scenario for every situation, relationship, and project that I have been encountered with. It has been truly exhausting at times and left me stressed out, on edge, and just plain frazzled. I have learned that allowing my anxiety to take me over puts me in the unfortunate position of creating struggle instead of peace, and happiness. With all those worries and frustrations running rampant inside of me, my energy was stagnant and blocking me from creating joyful experiences in my life. I couldn’t draw the high vibration energy of my desires, because my vibrational frequency did not match them.

Finally with the help of my Angels and Spirit Guides I learned how to quiet my mind with the practice of meditation, and visualization. This is a very powerful technique that has helped me to understand how powerful having the ability to harness my active mind, and my passionate feelings can be.

Let me be clear on what I mean by quieting my mind. I am not talking about fighting with my thoughts or trying to block them. What I am talking about is adding light to them and lifting them. By using my breath,  I focus on the intention of breathing Divine light into my thoughts. This technique lightens them and makes them as though they are clouds drifting across a bright blue sky in my mind.  Then I am able to gain clarity and allow my Higher Self , and Spirit to have a stronger voice within me. From this space, I am able to draw my thoughts and emotions in, harnessing their power and directing them towards my desires. I allow my imagination to run free, without limits, visualizing the most joyful and highest outcomes in every area that comes to the forefront of my mind. I imagine myself as a magnet pulling in the most beautiful, high vibration experiences possible. I allow myself to completely submerge in the wonderful, blissful feelings that my visions bring forth. This process brings my vibration into a matching frequency with my desires and opens me up to receive.

The most wonderful part of playing with this technique, that I have found, is that by practicing it I connect with the essence, and feel of what I am manifesting rather than getting caught up in the details of how to bring my desires about. I couldn’t get stuck on the how’s and why’s of everything when I was just allowing myself to feel the happiness of the outcome. This process has worked beautifully for me and I encourage you all to try it out for yourselves. Let your inner vision soar without limits and see what blessings you can manifest for your highest future!



March 12, 2010 Posted by | Channeled Messages | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment