Serenity by Karen

Healing and Uplifting the Spirit

The Dark Night Of The Soul.

The Dark Night Of The Soul is a metaphor that is used to describe a time in a person’s spiritual life, that manifests as a time of struggle along with a sense of loneliness or isolation. This is a common experience for individuals who are seeking growth and spiritual maturity as they walk the path towards their union with God, The Source Of All Creation, or All That Is.

The origin of The Dark Night Of The Soul comes from a poem, under that title, that was written by 16th century poet and Roman Catholic mystic Saint John Of The Cross. This poem describes the hardships he endured as a Carmelite priest, while he was imprisoned by his Carmelite brothers who were opposed to his reformation to their order. During this phase in one’s spiritual life, you may feel that you are in the midst of a spiritual crisis that affects everything in your world. This period of time is referred to as “dark” because you feel that you are disconnected from the light or that somehow God has forsaken you. You feel prayer and all the ways that you used to gain comfort from spirit, to allow you to sustain your faith, have suddenly lost their value and left you bereft. This leads to being stripped of parts of your psyche, ego and former perceptions of self and of God.

This is truly a blessing in disguise as it makes way within the conscious/concrete mind for an awakening or quickening of the soul. Having to take your steps forward in faith, and seemingly alone, rewards you with a sense of strength and courage that you may not have found or known within yourself otherwise. It actually opens your eyes more fully to Divinity and strengthens your connection and your awareness of your own value. Usually having come through this phase of your spiritual life restores your soul to higher state of being and you will have fewer experiences in which to question your value again. Finding within you, your hearts true home.

For those of you who feel that you are experiencing The Dark Night Of The Soul, let me tell you from my own personal experience and from the experiences of some beautiful people who are close to me, that even though you feel isolated and as if you are in the center of a devastating storm…don’t lose faith and you are absolutely not alone! You will find your strength and make it through this time and as you begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel you will be a stronger and wiser soul for it!

As Jesus has said to me “The death of the old brings forth life renewed.”


February 8, 2010 Posted by | Channeled Messages, Personal Experiences | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Some Of My Animal Spirit Guides.

I have several Animal Spirit Guides and I receive many gifts of inspiration, protection and support from them. They also give me the gift of playfulness. I tend to take myself and life too seriously at times and they come to me with playful and humorous messages constantly and this helps to lighten my mood, allowing me to flow with the love of Spirit . I feel their unconditional love for me and I love them in return totally and completely.

~GIRAFFE~ Giraffe supports my visual abilities (or clairvoyance) and helps me to remember that no matter how much I like to allow my head to be in the clouds communicating with Spirit, I am also attached to this material world and to my physical body. So, I need to honor that and take care of myself. He reminds me that I can’t help others as much if I am not at my best. He encourages me to feed and take care of mind and body as much as my soul. Thank you my wise Giraffe!

~Dolphin~ My Dolphin supports me with all of my intuitive abilities and heightens my awareness of other peoples feelings and auras. She also supports me in communicating on several different levels simultaneously. Because of this, people in my world seek me out for advice and guidance. Dolphin also reminds me to have fun and allow myself to play and be joyful. Many of my friends and family have heard me say “It’s all about the fun!” This was initially given to me by Dolphin when she was reminding me to find joy in every moment of my life and focus on living in the present. Thank you my lovely Dolphin!

~DRAGON~ My Dragon has a very powerful presence and she blends with my energy while I am leading groups of people in classes, meditations, prayer or just counseling one-on-one. She assists me in being confident and powerful in how I carry myself and not give in to my inclination to be self conscious. Dragon also assists me with being open minded to other’s spiritual beliefs and to new ideas. She allows me have a full sense of knowing within through her broad experience and vast knowledge to understand higher concepts and to know the truth of our oneness with all of creation. Thank you my beautiful Dragon!

I get very emotional when I talk about my Spirit Guides, because they always convey such a warm and loving flow of energy to me and I am so grateful for that love! I thank my Guide Jesus every day for my connection to them all. I hope that all of you give yourselves the gift of having a connection to all the forms that Spirit takes, as with your Animal Spirit Guides.



February 6, 2010 Posted by | Channeled Messages, Personal Experiences | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Animal Spirit Guides.

Animal Spirit Guides are another way for Spirit to connect and communicate with you. Since we have a relationship with these creatures in the physical world, it is easier for some to connect to animals as Spirit Guides. Each type of animal carries certain characteristics and qualities that they bring forward with them to assist the souls that have drawn them. It is also my understanding that each species of animal is a part of a combined soul group instead of having a separate soul or essence. So, all Owl Spirit Guides have the same general qualities as do all Wolf Spirits, Bear, Turtle and so on.

Animal Spirit Guides are also referred to as Animal Totems or Power Animals. There are subtle differences in meaning, but for you to connect with your Animal Guides you need not worry about whether they are a Totem or Power Animal so much. They are awesome creatures of Spirit who offer us their protection, encouragement, support and Divine guidance. You may receive messages from your Animal Guides as long as  you are open to raising your receptivity to them. They can communicate with you in meditations and dreams  once you have heightened your awareness to them. Often our Animal Guides will introduce themselves to you by showing up in unusual ways as symbols of the particular animal or in physical form. If you are confronted with the image of an animal, whether physical or symbolic , 3 times over a very short period of time, this is a sign that this particular Animal Spirit may be trying to convey a message to you or make a connection to you as a Guide.

These beautiful Spirit Creatures should be honored and appreciated. Giving donations and actively working towards the conservation of animals and the environment they live in on this wonderful planet that we all share is a great way to lovingly show your gratitude. Also, a way to strengthen your connection to them is to have pictures and figurines of your Guides in your environment. These prove to be great reminders of your relationship and keep you connected to them in your daily life.

I hope that this helps you to establish your own personal relationship to your awesome Animal Spirit Guides!



February 5, 2010 Posted by | Channeled Messages | , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Healing Power Of Sound.

Did you know that sound vibrations hold the power to heal? Everything in all the universe vibrates. We and everything that surrounds us is in the constant state of vibration. Trees, rocks, the chair you are sitting on, the computer in front of you and your body are all vibrating right now! It is truly amazing how all the delicate, little bones and pieces of the inner ear works as tiny receptors for translating sound vibrations.

Sound really does move us, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Sonic vibration has been used since the dawn of man to heal. Some of the first forms used were drumming and chanting. Ancient cultures recognized the healing power of sound and developed it into a sacred science. This has been documented back to Ancient Egypt and thought to have  been a highly developed practice for healing and spiritual rituals used in the Ancient city of Atlantis.

Many healers still use sound as a form of healing today. Some of the current methods use bells, chimes, crystal singing bowls, drums, tuning forks and, of course, music. Certain tones and musical notes actually correspond to and connect with each of the seven chakras. Using sound therapy can help to clear energy blockages in our subtle energy systems and also affects our brain waves, helping the body and all it’s systems to return to a balanced and harmonious state of being.

So the next time you turn the volume up for a song that just makes you feel good…you are actually performing your own self healing!

January 19, 2010 Posted by | Channeled Messages | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Blessings Of Being A Tree.

Sometimes we can become overwhelmed with feelings of anger, sadness, depression and fear. When we see negative situations going on in our environment or are having our own personal struggles; It can feel like trying to tread water in the midst of a powerful storm. Those waves of negative emotions washing over us, and at times with such force as to really feel as if they are dragging us down.

We all go through these times in our lives and these episodes can seem to go on far too long, or repeat themselves over and over again. While we, in our pursuit to be peaceful and happy, try fighting our way out into the sunshine again. This can become a vicious cycle. As we come up against challenging aspects and go down the path of feeling tumultuous emotions over them and then on top of that we compound the issue by feeling guilty or angry over having the problems in the first place. All of this can leave us worn out on every level. Barely having enough strength to try sort out how to begin to find any answers or solutions.

Well..I am here to tell you that I have been there and I know how hard it can be when you are so caught up in negative emotions, that you feel stuck, frustrated and powerless to really do anything about it. Dragging your vibration down and causing actual physical pain. So here are a few gifts that spirit has given to me, that have made a tremendous difference in my life.

First – You must stop and think about the fact the everything is energy..even your thoughts and emotions. It is very important to realize how very powerful the energy is that is generated by your own thoughts and emotions for you. This energy is yours! You made it and it is YOURS TO COMMAND!! Once you think about it in this way and are able to put it into it’s true perspective, you realize that you are not helpless or a victim. This is a profound moment! When you experience this clarity and then are able to look at any situation knowing fully that you have the power to command your own energy. No one can take this from you! You are in control and if  you feel out of control, somewhere in some way you are giving your power away. So think about that for a moment…

Step two – Now that you have put things into perspective and have that wonderful feeling of hope, from regaining your personal power, you can move on to an amazing exercise. This exercise will allow you to ground and cleanse yourself of all the negative energy in your system; thus putting you solidly back on your own two feet, standing fully in your power. Here is how it goes… First sit comfortably and take some nice, full, deep breaths. Imagine with each breath that your body and mind is becoming more relaxed and ready for a healing experience. Then imagine, either from the bottoms of your feet or tail bone, that there is a root growing down into the Earth. That root keeps on traveling down deep, till it connects at the core of Mother Earth. You will have a nice, warm and nurtured sensation once there, and then with your intention, allow Mother Earth to pull all the negative energy down and out of your body. You will feel a pulling or draining sensation as this takes place and just allow yourself to flow with it, letting Mother take that energy, cleansing it for you and returning it back to a neutral state. Now that your energy is clean and perfectly balanced out, use your intention to allow it to come back up your root and flow beautifully back into your body. This is an amazing and wonderful feeling. You will feel instantly renewed as your vibration rises. As you feel this energy rising up inside of you, you are ready to branch out with it, connecting now upwards to Spirit. Allow these powerful energies to combine within you, filling you with pure, unlimited Source Energy.

Step three – Now that you are full of unlimited  source energy, you can focus this energy in any direction that you desire. It will also fill you with a sense of peace and serenity, knowing that you can always use this gift to help propel you towards your highest good. Remember that where your focus goes, your energy flows. So…focus on your blessings and you’ll be drawing more positive energy into your life!

I guarantee, that when you are feeling anxiety and pain; if you do this exercise, it will empower you, helping to bring you put of negative cycles. Do this exercise daily and reap all the benefits of this powerful Spiritual practice.

Always remember to give thanks to Mother Earth for her Love and support. Care for her as she has always cared for you!

Blessings to you!

January 18, 2010 Posted by | Channeled Messages | , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment