Serenity by Karen

Healing and Uplifting the Spirit

Chakras ~ Our Sacred Energy Centers

The chakras are our sacred energy centers.  When the seven major chakras are open and their energy is balanced, they flow with Life Force Energy or (Chi) and this energy emanates into, through, and out from our bodies, and our aura.  The flow of our chakras is naturally connected to our thoughts, feelings, our physical body, activities, and our interactions with others.  The chakras give the physical body vitality, and support us in our journey towards self-awareness and enlightenment.

Being a clairvoyant, I have the ability to see the chakra systems of all those around me.  They appear to me as whirling wheels of energy, that spin at different speeds, and emanate various shades of the seven colors of the rainbow.  I also feel each one of the chakras and their vibrational frequencies.  When I offer a Spiritual Reading, or Reiki Healing to a client, or loved one, each one of their chakras holds a message about the energy patterns they are carrying.  Having the ability to connect with the chakras assists me in helping others on their path to true health.  You can begin to open up your own abilities to communicate with, and to heal the chakras by learning about their energy.

Now let’s focus on each chakra, learning its color, characteristics, and their relationship to our physical, mental, and emotional health.

The Root Chakra ~

Color: Red

Location: Near the tail bone

Element: Earth

Statement: “I have”

Stones: Garnet, Smokey Quartz, Shiva Lingam

Body parts ruled by the root chakra: Spinal column, feet, legs, hips, adrenals, colon, and external sexual organs.

The root chakra is most closely related to issues of human life; safety, shelter, survival, money, and the physical body. The best way to keep the root chakra open, balanced, and flowing is by honoring the body with light exercise, yoga, dance, massage, and going barefoot as much as possible.  When the root chakra is happy & healthy, you feel grounded, supported, supportive, and have little or no difficulty sustaining a comfortable life for yourself.  The health of the root chakra is key to manifesting your desires into physical form.  This chakra holds the energy of Father.

The Sacral Chakra ~

Color: Orange

Location: Between the pelvis and the belly button

Element: Water

Statement: “I want”

Stones: Carnelian, Orange Calcite

Body parts ruled by sacral chakra: Hips, lower back, testicles, vagina, reproductive organs, kidneys, bladder, pancreas.

The sacral chakra is most closely related to issues of creativity, sexuality, emotions, and desires.  Some ways to keep the sacral chakra open, balanced, and flowing is by participating in healthy sexual activities, light exercise, yoga, dance, swimming, taking warm baths, and drinking plenty of water. When the sacral chakra is happy & healthy, you feel very secure in your sexual energy and preferences, you are a nurturing person, fitness and eating healthy are very important to you, and you are extremely comfortable in your own skin.  The sacral chakra is also the power center for women.  If you are a mother, or a mother figure; those whom you support and nurture have energy cords similar to an umbilical cord attached to your sacral chakra.  These cords are meant to weaken and dislodge themselves as the children grow and gain their own independence.  This chakra holds the energy of Mother.

The Solar Plexus Chakra ~

Color: Yellow

Location: Center of the belly, just below the rib cage

Element: Fire

Statement: “I can”

Stones: Tiger’s eye, Yellow jasper

Body parts ruled by the solar plexus chakra: Adrenals, digestive system, liver, spleen.

The solar plexus chakra most closely relates to issues of self-confidence, self-esteem, personal power, physical vitality, and how you project your energy out to the world.  Some ways to keep the solar plexus chakra open, balanced, and flowing is by doing light physical activity that incorporates focusing on the breath, like tai chi or yoga, and practicing breath work exercises.  The solar plexus chakra is a major psychic reception area and is the chakra associated with clairsentience (clear inner feeling).  This chakra is the power center for men.  When you have a “gut feeling” about someone or something…you are feeling psychic vibrations in this chakra and should pay attention to these feelings.  When the solar plexus chakra is happy & healthy, you feel joyful, powerful, inspired, full of vitality, and in tune with your own sense of inner feeling.

The Heart Chakra ~

Color: Green

Location: Center of the chest

Element: Air

Statement: “I love”

Stones: Rose Quartz, amazonite, peridot

Body parts ruled by the heart chakra: Heart, lungs, circulatory system, shoulders, upper back, and thymus.

The heart chakra is most closely related to issues of giving and receiving unconditional love, relationships, compassion, healing, and is the energy center that links the body to Spirit, and to the energy of the inner child.  Some ways to keep the heart chakra open, balanced, and flowing is by practicing self-love, forgiveness, energy healing, flowing love to others unconditionally, taking care of babies and animals, connecting with nature, and meditation. When the heart chakra is happy & healthy you feel very loving and accepting of others, you laugh and smile easily, you are comfortable with physical touch, you participate in healing for yourself and others, you feel a strong connection to children and animals, and you are able to forgive easily.

The Throat Chakra ~

Color: Light Blue

Location: Center of the throat

Element: Sound

Statement: ” I speak”

Stones: Turquoise, blue calcite, shattuckite

Body parts ruled by the throat chakra: Throat, neck, thyroid, vocal cords, ears, and trachea.

The throat ckakra is most closely related to issues of communication, creativity, sound, and is the energy center for clairaudience (clear inner hearing), and speaking one’s own truth.  Most speakers, politicians, religious figures, actors, teachers, and artists have very active throat chakras.  Some ways to keep this chakra open, balanced, and flowing is to sing, hum, chant, and by speaking one’s own truth.  Many Spiritual leaders, and clairaudiant intuitives convey beautiful guidance from Spirit through the energy of the throat chakra.  When your throat chakra is happy & healthy you are inspired, creative, and have a full awareness that your words are very powerful – affecting not only you as the speaker, but also everyone and everything that surrounds you.  You understand that you manifest with your words and that as you speak powerful energy flows from your throat chakra.

The Third Eye Chakra ~

Color: Indigo Blue

Location: Center of the forehead

Element: Light

Statement: “I see”

Stones: Lapis, azurite, blue tiger’s eye

Body parts ruled by the third eye chakra: Eyes, ears, pineal, and the parasympathetic nervous system.

The third eye chakra is most closely related to issues of intuition, visualization, and it is the energy center for clairvoyance (clear inner seeing).  This chakra works very strongly with the throat and the crown chakras as a major psychic reception area.  Some ways to keep the third eye chakra open, balanced, and flowing is by practicing meditation, breath work, visualizations, and practicing color therapy.  When you third eye is happy & healthy you have a very vivid imagination, can easily meditate, participate in Shamanic journeys, visualize images, enjoy visual art, colors, light, lucid dreamer, and may have or develop the ability to see psychic vibrations, auras, chakras, Spirit Guides, Angels, Animal Spirits, and Souls.  Many people focus almost entirely on the third eye during meditation or healing, but it’s important to remember that the chakras are all connected, and to fully activate any one of them to a higher frequency requires all the chakras to be open, flowing, and harmonious.

The Crown Chakra ~

Color: Violet, gold, white, or silver

Location: Crown of the head

Element: Thought

Statement: “I am”

Stones: Amethyst, apophyllite, elestial quartz, and selenite

Body parts ruled by the crown chakra: Brain, skull, nervous system, pituitary, thymus, pineal.

The crown chakra most closely relates to issues of higher states of consciousness, higher knowledge, connection to Universal Energy, and wisdom.  The crown chakra is the energy center of our connection to our higher selves, oneness with Divine, and is a major psychic reception area for drawing in Source Energy and accessing the Akasha.  Some ways to keep the crown chakra open, balanced, and flowing is by practicing meditation, prayer, breath work, yoga, and Spiritual healing.  When the crown chakra is happy & healthy you feel a sense of oneness with all of creation, to God/Goddess, and the Holy Spirit.  Your crown chakra is a receptor of ethereal energy and light, filling your aura, chakras and entire being with Source Energy.  Focusing on opening and connecting the crown chakra to the lower chakras revitalizes the mind, body, and Spirit, raising your vibrational frequency.

Connecting with the energetic flow of your chakras will enable you to achieve you highest potential, and brings glorious vitality to mind, body, and Spirit.



December 13, 2010 Posted by | Channeled Messages, Personal Experiences | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

~Archangels II~

Here is a list of Archangels and some tools on how to strengthen your communication with them. I also included some information about the Archangels that I work with the most. I have communicated with all the Archangels, but there are a few who work very closely with me, so I have stronger relationship with them.

~ Archangel Michael ~ Archangel Gabriel ~ Archangel Raphael ~ Archangel Uriel ~ Archangel Chamuel ~ Archangel Jophiel ~ Archangel Ariel ~ Archangel Raquel ~ Archangel Azrael ~ Archangel Haniel ~ Archangel Camael ~ Archangel Jeremiel ~ Archangel Raziel ~ Archangel Sariel ~ Archangel Sandalphon ~ Archangel Metatron ~

* Archangel Michael~ Meaning – “Who is like unto God.” Michael holds a flaming sword, which he uses to cut away negativity and fear. Michael is thought to be the first Archangel created and he is very powerful! His main qualities are strength, protection, and truth. He is also a supportive force for helping lightworker’s in achieving their life’s purpose, by encouraging us to follow the truth in our hearts without fear. He can also be called on for help with anything electrical or mechanical like, computers, phones, and cars. I also call on Michael if I am feeling threatened in any situation, or if I have been having bad dreams. He always comes to me when I call and he feels so loving, and safe to me. I always feel so much better with him by side and I feel as if he adds his power to my own strength and integrity. I usually see a lot of blue and violet sparkles of light when Michael is near.

* Archangel Gabriel~ “The Divine strength of God.” Gabriel is called the “Messenger Angel” and is known for being the Angel who brought the message to Mary that she would give birth to her son Jesus. Gabriel is the only Archangel that is depicted as being female. She is very powerful and loves to support artists like, musicians, writers, painters, performers, and communicators. Gabriel supports us seeing, and understanding our life’s path. I call on Gabriel to help with interpreting dreams, and communicating with souls who have crossed over. She is great for getting me inspired for my writing projects and preparing for teaching a class as well. Gabriel also told me that she has the ability to grant wishes!  I see silver flashes of light when Gabriel is near. It is important to note that Gabriel also appears as male sometimes too, but when I call on Gabriel, she always appears as female.

* Archangel Raziel~ Meaning – “He who sees Truth.” Raziel appears to me looking like a wizard. He has beautiful, flowing white hair and beard. I see a rainbow of sparkles when Raziel is near me and he always carries a staff with glowing colorful orbs of light in it. Raziel uses sacred geometry for healing and Divine magic when he works with me. He also helps me with all of my psychic abilities, and assists me with astral travel. You may call on Raziel to help you open up your psychic abilities and to understand high level information. He is very kind and he inspires me to be open to new ideas, and encourages me in being an eternal student, always eager to learn more about our unlimited universe.

* Archangel Raphael~ Meaning – “Divine Healer of God” Raphael is very loving and kind! He always speaks to me in a soft, sweet voice and has a beautiful smile. He gives me advise like, the best way to heal myself is to find reasons to smile and laugh daily. I see lots of swirling green sparks when Raphael is near. Raphael is a very powerful healer and supports all forms of healing. I call on Raphael to assist me when I am performing a healing, and he helps me with clearing away any negative debris left behind from a healing. He also helps when you need encouragement to maintain healthy lifestyle habits, of exercise and a balanced diet. If you need healing or support in making healthy lifestyle changes, then call on Raphael!

* Archangel Haniel~ Meaning – “Full of God’s Grace” Haniel is another Archangel that appears as a female when she comes to me. Haniel is an Angel of clairvoyance, and she helps me to see, and understand the visual images that I receive. She also guides me with what kinds of crystals, and stones I should use during a healing for myself, or for a client. She helps me to keep calm in frustrating situations by helping me to see the beauty, and Divine light in everything. If I am speaking in front of a large group of people Haniel always helps to raise my vibration, and to soothe my mind. When Haniel is near I always see sparks of pink, and light blue.

If you wish to call on any of the Archangels here are a few tools that will help you to begin. You may start by putting on some soft music, and lighting a large white candle. When you light the candle, say a prayer, setting your intention to communicate directly with the Archangels. Sitting quietly in front of the candle, take a few deep breathes, to add fresh oxygen to your body, and brain. Then the first Archangel’s name that comes to mind is the one to start your communication with. Invoke the Archangel by saying their name, in a chanting fashion, 7 times. This helps you to raise the frequency of your vibration to match the Archangel you are wishing to communicate with. After invoking the Angel by chanting their name, then just begin your conversation with them, by telling why you have called on them, and asking for their guidance. After telling the Angel what you want help with, allow yourself to get very relaxed, and quiet so that you may receive their subtle messages. Sometimes this will sound like your own voice speaking to you inside your mind, and don’t second guess this, as sometimes in the beginning this how they will sound to you. Always remember to write down all of the thoughts, feelings, visuals, and words you’ve received. End by thanking the Angels and letting them know that you are open for communication with them at any time. Practice this method until you feel comfortable that you have established a strong connection. Remember to allow yourself to have fun with this process. The Angels will connect with you more smoothly if your vibration is high, and happy people have a high vibration!

Blessings to you all!


March 19, 2010 Posted by | Channeled Messages, Personal Experiences | , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment


Archangels are known as the highest ranking angels from the highest realms of the universe. They are powerful, loving, protective, unlimited, omnipresent beings of God or Source. Being omnipresent, they are able to come to whom ever calls them at anytime, and anywhere. They are the messengers of high realms and bestow gifts of knowledge, encouragement and guidance to all life. They are pure in their love for all creation and hold no judgement towards us for our thoughts, actions, and emotions. They love and support us unconditionally! They understand that our experiences add to the expansion of the All That Is, and only wish to guide us in the direction of love, for love is the highest vibration energy, and everything in truth is created from love. Every living thing has come to be, from love, and when you are connected to the Archangels they help you to see the love in all life, every person, every plant and animal – all of creation. When you are awake and aware, seeing with clarity, like the Archangels do, you understand your connection to the world all around you and feel a oneness with all of the universe. All you need to do to achieve this connection is to call on them, either out loud or silently in prayer, and meditation. They always come to you when you call on them and gently nudge you towards your most positive choices. They will not interfere with your lessons, karma, or choices, as we all have the wonderful gift of free will. The Archangels can only have a hand in our lives if we use our free will to invite them in and ask them for the assistance that we feel we need. They always answer in the best, most positive ways and this may not always look the way that we expect it to.

The names of the Archangels end with the “el” suffix. Which means “in God” and every Archangel has specific, individual gifts, which they use beautifully, and efficiently to help us. Archangels often connect with me and their words channel through me during readings, healing, teaching, channeled group messages, and guided meditations.

There are many different ways to strengthen your ability to connect, and communicate with the Angels. My next blog will have a list of the Archangels and some tools, and techniques to feeling their loving presence, and communicating with them in your daily life. They are a blessed gift to us all and they celebrate every time you reach out to them!

Blessed Angels be with all of you!!


March 15, 2010 Posted by | Channeled Messages | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Dark Night Of The Soul.

The Dark Night Of The Soul is a metaphor that is used to describe a time in a person’s spiritual life, that manifests as a time of struggle along with a sense of loneliness or isolation. This is a common experience for individuals who are seeking growth and spiritual maturity as they walk the path towards their union with God, The Source Of All Creation, or All That Is.

The origin of The Dark Night Of The Soul comes from a poem, under that title, that was written by 16th century poet and Roman Catholic mystic Saint John Of The Cross. This poem describes the hardships he endured as a Carmelite priest, while he was imprisoned by his Carmelite brothers who were opposed to his reformation to their order. During this phase in one’s spiritual life, you may feel that you are in the midst of a spiritual crisis that affects everything in your world. This period of time is referred to as “dark” because you feel that you are disconnected from the light or that somehow God has forsaken you. You feel prayer and all the ways that you used to gain comfort from spirit, to allow you to sustain your faith, have suddenly lost their value and left you bereft. This leads to being stripped of parts of your psyche, ego and former perceptions of self and of God.

This is truly a blessing in disguise as it makes way within the conscious/concrete mind for an awakening or quickening of the soul. Having to take your steps forward in faith, and seemingly alone, rewards you with a sense of strength and courage that you may not have found or known within yourself otherwise. It actually opens your eyes more fully to Divinity and strengthens your connection and your awareness of your own value. Usually having come through this phase of your spiritual life restores your soul to higher state of being and you will have fewer experiences in which to question your value again. Finding within you, your hearts true home.

For those of you who feel that you are experiencing The Dark Night Of The Soul, let me tell you from my own personal experience and from the experiences of some beautiful people who are close to me, that even though you feel isolated and as if you are in the center of a devastating storm…don’t lose faith and you are absolutely not alone! You will find your strength and make it through this time and as you begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel you will be a stronger and wiser soul for it!

As Jesus has said to me “The death of the old brings forth life renewed.”


February 8, 2010 Posted by | Channeled Messages, Personal Experiences | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Looking Closer At Karma And Reincarnation II

The soul is limitless and eternal. It is a spark from the divine flame, carrying all the gifts, abilities and unlimited aspects of that flame. The flame being the source of all creation, all that is, God/Goddess. Existing as a spark from that flame we can create, think, feel, dream and learn. Through countless lives (in body) or experiences interacting with other souls, we are able to gain vast amounts of knowledge, resulting in unimaginable expansion and growth. This is why karma and reincarnation go hand in hand. Through our many experiences with all the forms that Spirit takes we are transcending… transforming… it is a supremely beautiful process.

The definition of reincarnation as given by Websters dictionary is: 1: Rebirth in new bodies or forms of life; birth of a soul in a new human body; a fresh embodiment.

Here is some information that Spirit has presented to me: In our dimension we have the understanding that everything exists and has always existed in linear time. In the higher dimensions, where our essence began, linear time is not observed. When you ascend out of your body at the end of your life and your soul joins its source in the ethers, it observes its in-body experiences or lives as all happening at once and drawing energy and knowledge from all of those experiences at the same time. It knows it to be one vast experience of its own omnipresent self. So, in truth, we have what we call past lives and we also live alternate lives and have access to all of them. Some call this the omniverse which coincides with areas of quantum physics (which I love and will probably blog about in the future).

There are many different views and beliefs attached to karma and reincarnation and whether they even exist. Most people have established perceptions on both of these concepts depending on their culture and religious upbringing.

I know for myself, having had many past or alternate life experiences brought forth to conscious mind, that I most definitely have had and am having many in body growth experiences or lives. I have a very clear connection to them and know that most of the important people I have interacted with in this life have had other lives with me, and that we are tied together by the choice of our souls and by karma. You have karmic ties to others when you have exchanged energy with them and that energy requires balance. Like I said in my previous article, this can be a beneficial or harmful energetic exchange. There is much expansion and growth to gain from both kinds of energy.

I will be diving into these topics further in Friday, with some examples of my own karma and reincarnation experiences. Until then examine some of your most powerful connections in your relationships and see how you feel about your own karmic ties.



January 27, 2010 Posted by | Channeled Messages, Personal Experiences | , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment